Iowa Legal News

Central Iowa ATV Attorneys. Call us if we can answer any questions.

What are the 5 most common causes of ATV accidents?

Central Iowa ATV Attorneys. Call us if we can answer any questions. We handle ATV, UTV and all other types of three and four wheeled recreational vehicle accidents. If you are injured, call the Lombardi Law Firm. All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) are popular for both recreational and work purposes. However, they come with inherent risks, and accidents are unfortunately very common. Here are the five most common causes of ATV accidents: Operator Error: Lack of Experience: Many accidents occur because the operator lacks the [...]

Central Iowa

Ten Critical Things About Your Relationship with the Work Comp Case Manager

What should an injured worker never say to a nurse case manager? After you get hurt at work, nurse case managers play a crucial role in coordinating medical care and facilitating communication between you, the injured workers, healthcare providers, and insurance companies in workers’ compensation cases. However, it is essential for injured workers to be mindful of what they say to nurse case managers in order to avoid potential misunderstandings or negative consequences. Always keep in mind, the NCM may [...]

Malcom, IA - Driver Injured in Trucking Accident on I-80

Iowa Workers’ Compensation Frustrations, Whatever you do, DO NOT QUIT

Which things should an injured worker do before they quit their job? Iowa Work Comp – They want you to quit. You quit, they win. In Iowa the newest strategy for employers and their insurance companies are to make injured workers quit. Because when the injured worker quits it saves the employer and their insurance company paying benefits for workers’ compensation and for unemployment benefits. I am fairly certain the Iowa Republican Party and the Reynold’s Administration will deny this is [...]

Des Moines, IA - Three Injured in Single-Vehicle Accident on I-235

Which ten things should you not do in your workers’ compensation case?

Iowa Injuries need legal help Navigating a workers’ compensation case can be complex, and certain actions or decisions can potentially harm your case or jeopardize your eligibility for benefits. Here are ten things you should avoid doing in your workers’ compensation case: Delay Reporting Your Injury: Promptly report your workplace injury to your employer as soon as it occurs. Failing to report the injury promptly can raise questions about the legitimacy of your claim and may result in denial of benefits. [...]

Catastrophic Injury Lawyer West Des Moines, IA

Which ten things should you never do with the defense medical exam?

Which ten things should you never do with the defense medical exam? When attending a defense medical exam (DME), also known as an independent medical examination (IME), it is crucial to approach the process with caution and awareness of your rights. The DME is typically arranged by the defendant’s insurance company or the defense lawyers and involves an examination by a medical professional chosen by them. It is not to be taken lightly. And, even though you already know they [...]

West Des Moines, Iowa

How do attorneys kill an attorney client relationship?

Cell phone related car accidents in Iowa. We can help. Which ten things, that lawyers can control, ruin an attorney-client relationship? We have been representing clients in civil litigation cases for over 40 years. Forty years is a long time. I have represented over 2,000 clients. That is a huge number of clients. Battle tested and introspective, I know what works and what does not work. And while I do not believe there are stupid questions, I am sure I have [...]

catastrophic injury lawyer West Des Moines, IA

Ten things a driver should never do after being involvement in a personal injury accident?

Ten things not to do following an accident.Learn how to de What you should not do following a car or truck accident. Being involved in a personal injury accident can be a distressing and overwhelming experience. In the aftermath, it is essential for drivers to handle the situation with care and caution to protect themselves legally and ensure the well-being of everyone involved. If we can be of assistance contact us right after the accident. Here are several things a driver should [...]

Depositions Are Important in a Personal Injury Case

What should every witness do before a deposition

Depositions Are Important in a Personal Injury Case What should you do before your deposition? Depositions are a crucial step in the presentation of your case to the opposing attorney, adjuster, and insurance company. It is your opportunity to both be you and to explain how the accident has affected your life and how you expect it to affect your life in the future. By the time you finish reading this blog you better have a list of what you intend [...]

Personal Injury Lawyer West Des Moines, IA

5 Vital Things a Witness Should Never Do During a Deposition

5 Things You Should Not Do During Your Deposition DEPOSITIONS ARE SCARY, BUT YOU CAN BE BETTER PREPARED Depositions are critical legal proceedings where witnesses provide sworn testimony outside of the courtroom. These testimonies can significantly impact the outcome of a case, making it crucial for witnesses to approach them with care and preparation. While knowing what to say is essential, understanding what not to do can be equally important. Here are five vital things a witness should never do during [...]

Drunk Driving Accidents: Preserving Your Personal Injury Drunk Driving Accident Injury Claim

Cell phone related car accidents in Iowa. We can help. Case Summary: on January 27, 2023 there was a personal injury accident in Buena Vista County where part of the cause was alleged to be drunk driving. The officer stated that alcohol was suspected. This collision was over a year ago and by now the officer certainly has the tox screen. Today’s blog uses this accident because the officer’s description of the accident supports today’s blog post. Here is the [...]