Car Accident Lawyer Waukee, IA

Car accidents can do so much more damage than just being an inconvenience to someone’s day. In fact, vehicle collisions tend to cause serious physical injury, damage to property, mental stress, and financial hardship. Our team at Lombardi Law Firm firmly believes that innocent people should not have to suffer or encounter hard times because another driver was being reckless. There are rules of the road for a reason, and when people drive in ways that violate them, it can lead to serious harm. If you or a loved one was recently in a car crash and are now dealing with injury and financial loss, now is the time to speak with our Waukee, IA car accident lawyer. We are ready to assist you.

Car Accident Injuries

There are a myriad of injuries that people can sustain from a car accident. Even in minor collisions, rarely does someone walk away without any degree of physical injury. For instance, a minor fender bender can still cause someone to have whiplash, which happens from an abrupt force that causes the head and neck to jolt forward and back suddenly. Other examples of injuries can include broken bones, organ damage, cuts and bruising, head injury, crushed extremities, sprains, mental anguish, and more. If you were injured in a car accident and are in need of compensation, we urge you to speak with us as soon as you can.

Evidence For Your Claim

Even if it is obvious who is at fault for the car accident, it will be important to have evidence that supports your claims. Helpful evidence can be pictures and video of the scene and damage to both vehicles, medical documentation for your injuries, a copy of the police report, and witness statements. Hopefully you had gathered the driver’s information before leaving the scene, so we know who to seek compensation from for what happened. If you were unable to exchange details with the driver due to being rushed to the hospital, this in itself can be evidence of just how severe your injuries were from the crash. Let our dedicated car accident attorney help you gather evidence so that your claim is as strong as possible for maximum compensation.

Lombardi Law Firm

Our team at Lombardi Law Firm has seen many people become victims due to another driver’s recklessness. It’s an unfortunate reality that not everyone operates their vehicle in a safe manner that is considerate of others on the road. All too often drivers are more concerned about rushing to where they need to be, rather than arriving at a destination safely for themselves and those they share the road with. If you have questions about filing a claim or need assistance with a legal matter, we are here for you. Our IA car accident attorney is ready to speak with you. Once we know more about the car accident, we can offer individualized guidance. We hope to come to your aid immediately. Don’t hesitate to reach out for a consultation today.

Steps To Compensation For Car Accident Victims

The right Waukee, IA car accident lawyer can help you fight for compensation and closure. At Lombardi Law Firm, we’ve helped clients secure million-dollar settlements after their accidents. Now, it’s time to use our over 40 years of legal experience to help you. Read on to see what you should do to help your case:

Gather Evidence At The Scene

Immediately after an accident, if you are able to do so safely, gathering evidence at the scene can be incredibly beneficial. This includes taking photographs of the vehicles involved, the surrounding area, any visible injuries, and collecting contact information from witnesses. This information can provide valuable support for your claim by documenting the extent of the damage and the circumstances surrounding the accident.

Seek Medical Attention

Health should always be the priority following a car accident. Even if you feel fine, some injuries, like whiplash or internal bleeding, might not present symptoms immediately. Visiting a healthcare provider is important for your health, and it also provides a medical record that is crucial when seeking compensation. These records serve as proof of your injuries and are used to evaluate the impact of the accident on your life.

Report The Accident

It is important to report the accident to the police and your insurance company as soon as possible. A police report often serves as a neutral third-party account of what occurred and can be critical when dealing with insurance companies or during legal proceedings.

Keep Detailed Records

Keeping detailed records following an accident is crucial. This includes saving receipts, medical bills, proof of lost wages, and any other expenses related to the accident. Comprehensive documentation can help establish the financial impact of the accident, which is important when negotiating settlements.

Consult With A Legal Professional

Understanding the legal options available and dealing with the claims process can be challenging without professional guidance. Consulting with your Waukee car accident lawyer can provide you with an understanding of your rights and the potential paths to compensation. At Lombardi Law Firm, we have a history of helping car accident victims understand their legal positions and the steps they can take to seek justice.

Dealing With Insurance Companies

When seeking compensation, you will likely need to deal with insurance companies. It’s important to remember that insurance adjusters are often more focused on minimizing the payout than providing fair compensation. Therefore, it is advisable to handle communications with insurers carefully. Be cautious about providing statements or accepting initial settlement offers without legal advice, as these can often be lower than what you might be entitled to.

Consider Settlement Or Litigation

In many cases, compensation for car accidents is settled out of court. Settlement can be a quicker way to receive compensation without the unpredictability of a trial. However, if a satisfactory agreement cannot be reached, litigation may be necessary. This involves taking the case to court where a judge or jury will decide on the compensation.

Reach Out For Guidance And Representation

If you or someone you know has been involved in a car accident and is struggling with the aftermath, we are here to help. Contact us today, and see how a Waukee, IA car accident lawyer from our office can help.